Digital Imaging issues for professional photographers

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Subtitle: Digital Imaging issues for professional photographers
Summary: is the email discussion list for issues about the professional digital image
Author: Prodig; Category: Arts & Entertainment; Explicit: No

Track Listing

Prodig / DIG 10 year Reunion1:02:3332110.63200015.01 MB
Ten and a half years ago on 15 May 1996 a group of anoraks met in a damp dark cellar (better known as Ian McKinnell's brightly lit second floor studio in London) to plot the digital overthrow of the photographic industry... or so it was perceived by those who worked with film at the time. They became known as the Digital Imaging Group. That same group of people met on 18 January 2007 once again in Ian McKinnell's studio... to review the last ten years and look at what digital photography holds in store for the future. Attending were Bob Marchant, Ian McKinnell, Mike Russell, Ed Horwich, Martin Evening, Adam Woolfitt, Colin Thomas, Carl Lyttle, Mike Laye, Douglas Fisher, Paul Webster, Rod Wynne-Powell.
10 years on we discuss how digital imaging has fared and its future
keywords: prodig, digital image, photography, professional
Ed Horwich / 02: Pedro Meyer0:29:1031969.3320006.98 MB
Pedro Meyer speaking at The Democratic Image symposium held by Look07 and Redeye in Manchester on 21 April 2007. Pedro Meyer is the creator of Zone Zero, one of the most visited photography web sites in the world. Here he poses the question does the digitisation photographs and the way they can be disseminated via the internet mean that they are less or more democratically available. Podcast production by Ed Horwich -
Pedro Meyer of Zone Zero speaking at The Democratic Image Symposium organised by LOOK07
keywords: pedro meyer, zone zero, look07, redeye, open democracy, prodig
Ed Horwich / 03: Celina Dunlop0:20:1031997.2320004.84 MB
Celina Dunlop is picture editor for the Economist magazine and prior to that she was head of the picture department at the Radio Times. She has been at the Economist since 1990 and was responsible for initiating the use of Licensed images used on the Economist web site, which became a precedent for all other publication web sites. In this talk she looks at four areas in the current revolution of the use of images in the media... paper v. the web and the future of stills photography; the crucial role that meta-data plays; restrictions on choice for picture buyers; and developments in licensing.
paper v. the web; crucial role of meta-data; restrictions on choice for picture editors
keywords: celina dunlop, economist, prodig, dirck halstead, meta data, copyright, license,
Ed Horwich / 04: Geert van Kesteren0:32:130300.0058.11 MB
(This is an enhanced Podcast. If you are viewing in iTunes or on an iPod you will see the accompanying images. Otherwise you will only hear the audio) Photographs: copyright Geert van Kesteren In this, our third podcast from the LOOK07/Redeye symposium The Democratic Image, Geert speaks in compelling depth of the difficulties of being a photo journalist in this area of conflict, and his insights of being an Iraqi attempting to live under those conditions. Geert embedded with the US military for months to capture the Iraqi villager's experience of occupation. His photographs of American soldiers breaking into homes and arresting suspects raises important questions about the battle for hearts and minds.
Geert describes his experiences embedded with the US troops in Iraq
keywords: geert van kestrel, iraq, prodig, look07, photography, war, middle east, madam hussein,
Ed Horwich / 05: Rene Lumley0:30:4232043.6320007.37 MB
The fourth podcast from the LOOK07/Redeye symposium The Democratic Image, Rene Lumley talks about her projects on Body Image, undertaken as part of a three year residency in hospitals across the north west of England. Podcast production by Ed Horwich - For more news and information about subscribing (free) to the Prodig email forum, visit...
Rene Lumley talks to Ed Horwich
keywords: rene lumley, prodig, democratic, image, redeye, look07, photography
Ed Horwich / Guy Farrow - about location0:31:100567.00915.82 MB
Guy Farrow has been entering the SUN Awards since 1994, often with location images. Guy talks to Ed Horwich about his images, what its like to work on location and how he goes about finding those elusive and remote locations. This is an enhanced podcast. You will be able to view the images referred to by playing the file in iTunes or Quicktime. SUN Awards: Guy Farrow: Ed Horwich: Podcast produced by Ed Horwich
Guys chats to Ed Horwich
keywords: photography, professional, awards, shot up north,

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